
Oregon Slender Salamanders

Batrachoseps wrighti is typically associated with mature and intact forests, but multiple populations have been documented in suburban areas west of the north Oregon Cascades. We are determining whether these populations are evolutionary relicts or more recent introductions.

The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard is an endemic North American ecological specialist threatened by habitat destruction and fragmentation. We estimate contemporary and evolutionary connectivity given the distribution of suitable habitat at multiple spatial scales.

Landscape Genomics of PNW Frogs

Humans alter landscapes in a myriad of ways and we are interested in how particular land use practices impact local amphibian populations

Evolution of Channel Island Herpetofauna

The Channel Islands consist of eight nearshore islands off the coast of Southern California. We are investigating divergence within and among islands given geology, species-traits, and opportunities for human-assisted migration in both the recent and ancient past.

Tropical Wrens

The Plain-tailed Wren occurs in Ecuador and Peru. In some populations, males and females duet, but in some populations multiple individuals chorus together. We combine field recordings, focal observations, experimentation and genomic data to characterize and investigate the evolution of group-chorusing.